Posted in Devotion

Love God With All Of Your Being

-And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.- Mark 12-30

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30
If you have ever been in love, you have probably been consumed with the love you feel for someone. Your heart is filled with love for them. You may feel as if you are soul mates; meant to be together. Your mind often wanders with thoughts of them. Every fiber of your being is strengthened and there is nothing you would not do for them. No matter what, your love knows no limits and you would do everything within your power to show how much you love them.
But, what about your love for God? Does your love for God consume every bit of your being or is your love for Him like that of a fair-weather friend? If we are capable of having so much love for another person, then we should be capable of loving God with the same amount of passion, if not more. God gave His all for you. That should compel you to love Him with all you have. He should be the absolute love of your life. He should be the One who consumes your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Treasure God from the depths of your heart (Mathew 6:21). Yearn for Him since He is the One who breathed life into your soul (Genesis 9:5). Keep your mind stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:2). With all of your strength, continue to seek Him (1 Chronicles 16:11). Love God with everything you’ve got. Spend time with Him. Learn everything about Him. Study His word. Know Him more intimately than you have ever known anyone. Be passionate about Him. Think about Him all the time. Talk to Him all the time. Love Him with deeply. Let nothing stand in the way of your love for Him.
PRAYER: Lord God, help me love you with every part of my being. Increase my love for You. Increase my passion for You. I yearn for You more and more. I want to love You more deeply than I have ever loved any human being. I give every part of myself over to You so our relationship will be the most intimate relationship I have ever had. In Jesus’ name…Amen


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